
I remember when it was time to take action
I refused to make change and it created much traction
My mistakes of the past now haunt my every reaction
And now I feel strange due to my stupid inaction
This is what I call a reckless interaction

I know I had the time and I know I had the patience
But while I had the chance I sought the wrong revelation
I know the choice I made even if my head didn't agree
But If I could change that moment I know where I'd be

Fuck the rest of my past cause that's what made me... me
But personally life is strange with the feeling of this absentee
The memory of that time is way too near
When my mind was at a clear and not full of hate and Drear
But I know that time is gone with the start of the new year
Just cant help but wonder when these feeling will disappear

I earned every bit of this I earned this despair
Maybe if I had been different I could have seen what was there
I just sometimes don't think and that what makes me scared
Cause if I make the wrong decisions its like getting the electric chair
One wrong decision can make you live a life impaired

I thought If I made a choice I could finally feel free
But that very choice caused a grief I could never foresee
I gave up so little or so it would seem
But what I gave up meant to damn much to me

Now a days its likely i'm here but i'm not
My body may be here by my mind is distraught
"whats one dollar to fifty" Not very much
Well my Dollar was better cause fifty weren't enough

I know many wont understand this while reading through this rhyme
But I just wanna say that what I'm feeling is insane
The only thing stopping me from doing what I should
I the fear of saying words that I would if I could
I messed up big time and mostly likely for good
If I could do it over I know that I would