rolling thunder

After all we been through
After all we sufferd together
After all the promises we made together
Before I loved you
I cared for you
The thoughts were unbrakable
Just like the love I had for you.
But broke my heart
Told me the promises were lies
And the love was never their
The feelings the trust gone.
Gone like the dead.
5 years was was all a lie
All that love just to pick someone else
Someone that I trusted as a friend
As a sister. As family
My first love
My first kiss
My kristen..dead..and lost
These past months I've became a dipress like zombie by the love I once had
The love I once shared
I begd for the end
The skys opend and the thunder began striking upon the earth I look up as if it was slow motion a thunder on its way to end me. I look the my left then my right and saw knowone their for me..I opend my arm and staird at the striking thunder.
And said in a soft depressing lifless voice
"The end....finally"