Don't You Remember Once Upon A Time: I Am Your Savior and Lover pt. 2

I just stood there;
tight in his embrace;
I tried to move out;
but he just held me tighter;
I felt water on my neck;
He's actually crying;
I thought to myself;
My love, he began;
Don't you remember;
I am here for you;
without you;
there is no me;
we are meant to be;
my love;
please don't do this;
come back home with me;
I love you;
please don't leave me;
he loosened his embrace on me;
and I looked into his eyes;
his beautiful blue eyes;
I sighed;
I keep messing up;
I keep falling down;
I keep hurting myself;
why would you want me around;
I can't bear hurting you;
every single time I fail;
he shook his head;
Darling, if you were to jump;
and end up dead;
that would hurt me even more;
it would destroy me;
I wouldn't know;
how to love anymore;
my heart would close up;
it would become stone;
without you there is no me;
please, come home with me;
I start to back away;
but he grabs me again;
I keep failing you;
I keep giving in...;
My love;
recovery is not an easy road;
there are ups and downs;
Relapses happen;
that won't make me;
stop loving you;
that won't make me;
stop caring for you;
I've seen you fall;
and I've seen you rise;
I will always be there by your side;
I love you;
until the end of time;
Darling come home with me, please;
Don't you remember;
Once Upon A Time;
I was meant to save and love you