The Disconnect

Turning the corner a sight freezes me.

He walks,
Slower in step,
To the sound of my steadily racing heartbeat.

Dark tendrils slither from the depths of my mind,
And they begin to strangle me from the inside out.
I am choking.

There is a disconnect between my heart

And my mind.

I know that I love him with all of my heart,
I cannot stop the insufferable thoughts
Of Him
That plague my mind.

My every waking moment consists of
And though he doesn't know it,
I believe he senses a change.

I am reminiscent of a similar situation,
One that is familiar and intensified,
And I remind myself of the way I truly feel.

Even still,
I am unable to stop the
That bring tears to my eyes,
And the
That cloud my head.
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