For a Broken Heart, From a Best Friend

her words come out
like a silent sob

her heart is breaking
with the force of a saw

the window cracked
and now is less transparent

and all you can do
is watch her fall
watch her break
then lean down to pick her back up

when someone so close just breaks away
when there are no longer words to say
your heart just breaks for the pain of hers

but you can't do anything
not a thought is said
for he is your family
and you can't break the thread

always taught to help the hurt
but always told to never speak out

with out being able to speak
not even udder a word
my heart keeps breaking
for what broke hers

what a fool to let her go
what a tragic hope of snow

the understanding makes me cry
tears of days that will never die

My Honeydews forever scarred
with memories and dreams she cant escape
the nightmares will forever chase her day....
♠ ♠ ♠
Im sorry honeydew. I love you girl, sorry my rotten brother broke your heart. but you know what SCREW him you have me, forever and always chica! (;