Surrender Our Hearts

My heart beat quickens
As you pull me in
It beats so fast
The world could end

You look into my eyes
You look into my soul
Then you kiss me with out warning
And keep me there

Freeze time
Freeze space
And keep me here in your warm embrace

I shake me leg in nervouseness
And you push down on it to stop me
You kiss my nose
And wisper "I love you" softly in my ear

You tell me stories
And we play games
We walk down that dusty road
Then we stop for seconds and minutes and hours to kiss

You never feel my heart beat because I pull away
You never see my blush because I hide my face
Yoy never here me laugh because I am laughing all the time

But you do hold my heart
It only belongs to you
You hold my hand and say its yours too

You dont undestand what you do to me
You make my brain forget
And all I can do it just keep going
But I still have this fear

What if I cant stop my self
From kissing you again?
What if I cant be my self
From fear of rushing in?

But baby I believe in us
I believe in you
So here is my surrender
I surrender my heart to you
It is yours for the taking
And there is no compition
But there is 2 thing I wish in return
Your heart and you can never give mine back

So baby if you believe in us
Like I believe in you
Surrender your heart to me
And we'll always be free
♠ ♠ ♠
2-2-13 best day ever!!