Anarchy And the Invisible

Can you help me?
All I can see are them,
walking the streets, wearing our clothes,
Eating our food,
They work and they work,
Fog behind their eyes,
Willing them to find order and a place,
I wish I could burn it all,
breath in the ashes of the corrupt,
feel their last breaths hanging in the air,
Start over,
a world where everybody is the same,
everybody has a home,
but no,
we are crowded,
suffocated in our own flesh,
not enough room.
If only there was a world,
a world where instead of buying your daughter an $80 piece of cloth,
you could buy a meal,
to save a life,
or two.
the focus of the world,
killing us,
saving us,
Controlling us,
Controlling them,
Its a disease, it tells us what we are,
It feeds us when we dont need it,
and starves us when we do,
The heart of the world,
In the dirty greedy hands of the rich,
Funny isnt it?
how you would rather let someone suffer and die,
Than go without the new One Direction shirt,
All they want are drugs you say?
Maybe thats all they have,
Forced to find happiness in a needle, or on a plant, or at the bottom of a bottle,
because they have nothing else,
nobody to live for,

Nothing to do,
nothing to say,
Passing the time while the bite runs its course,
So you are telling them, they are sick,
gross, dead to the world,
But you,
You are no better,
Passing time,
Blankly looking at another world,
putting gross, greasy expensive food down your throat,
Is just a speck,
Unable to make a difference in the world no matter how hard they try,
There are millions of people,
and you are one,
You only affect one 100th of the life on this planet,
Close to nothing,
You don’t know that person walking the street next to you,
and they don't know you,
Two separate worlds,
Open your eyes,
See what can’t be seen,
Better yet what they hide from you,
Clear the fog,
When you see it,
Tell me,
Tell me how it makes sense,
Tell me how they have the nerve to put masks and say everything is fine,
Tell me how you can pretend everything is fine,
The world is just wonderful!
How can they just send people to their deaths,
People with children,
To fight for something that was lost long ago,
Or maybe never existed,
Who knows how much they hide from us,
Maybe there was a leader before George Washington,
But he was too dangerous,
Because he knew how messed up this all is,
Making people pay to live,
What would you do if you found out you have been lied to your whole life.
They watch us,
record us,
Make sure we keep under their wing,
They tell us what's right and what's wrong,
They don't let us decide,
Who are they,
To say that stealing is wrong?
What if,
It was what you were supposed to do,
And buying things was a crime,
What if it was better to be a bully than a goodie two shoes,
We are accused of things we didn’t do,
We are disrespected as human,
We are not equal to them,
Justice for all you say?
What about us,
We are still here,
The young,
The invisible,
The pushed aside,
What are we?
We are smarter than them,
We know better than to follow their sick lies,
We know better than to fall into their trap,
We are powerless,
and what for?
Why do they control us,
Tell us what to see,
What we hear, do, say?
This is my life!
I controll me,
You control you,
So no matter how old I am I’m going to life like I want to,
Who do you think you are?
Parading around like you are king?
Its time,
This is my world,
I am to worry about me,
And you are to worry about you,
♠ ♠ ♠
please comment and tell me what you think :3