My Friend The Hair Brush

My friend harry
really wasn't all that scary.
Now that he came to school
his hair really wasn't all that cool.

My friend Louie
really wasn't all that screwy.
I really think he was about to blow
because his hair was about to explode.

My friend Zayn
really wasn't all that vain.
When he looked in the mirror
everything was so much clearer.

My friend Niall
really didn't take awhile.
when he walked out the door he screamed like a child.

My friend Liam
loved going too the museum.
When this day came
this object really was to blame.

My friend the hair brush
really loved to crush.
But, when it came to these's five boys
they loved playing with it like a toy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to do three poems for school. so, I decided to do one on One Direction. I don't know One Direction or ever saw them, I just wanted to make a funny poem on them=D