
In the dark trees,
In the dark skies,
I'd never thought,
I'd say goodbye.

I look up and wish good luck,
My heart aches in despair,
as I prepare for tears to fall.
Sharp pains of guild sting my heart,
as I remember that faithful night.
The night when she moved on.

Driving in the speeding car,
with her in back safely strapped.
Moon shined bright despite the cloudy night,
that lit up the moving road.

Several cars swerving past,
Headlights streaming through,
the eerie trees.

Cooing and laughing in the back,
I reached back to touch her tiny gentle hand.
My hand on the wheel and my other in her grasp.
A tiny deer leaped on my path,
with a gasp I swerved off the path.

Then crashed into a tree
She flew past me
Along with shattering glass

My heart still aches to this very day,
My little baby girl is gone for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was totally random.