You Do Not Get the Point

It’s hard, fitting everything you
need to let someone know in a couple
short lines. It’s hard when they
do not get the point.

I was not trying to say
‘I love you.’ Those words are always
too bitter in my mouth.
I was not trying to get out any feelings,
I was simply writing,
and I accidently hit ‘send.’
It was a mistake, yet you still
do not get the point.

And yet here I am, with my fingers to the dull,
black keys of my laptop, some letter worn down
by my touch. I’m ready to write again. Because I woke
up this morning, much to my dismay. I woke up
and I puked. And I puked some more. Because I was drunk.
And because when I publish these stupid things, you
do not get the point.