Changing Your Life

From the moment you wake up in the morning
You are part of an eternal ride
Seeking out what makes you feel
Until you've reached your demise

But from the moment you fall asleep
Everything seems to change
Stuck in a world controlled by you
With a train of thoughts you cannot contain

But what if you dremt while you woke
The sadder you are, the more pain you see
Like a magnet pulling it in
And only your thoughts could set you free

That's the problem with people today
They blame the world for their problems
Thinking that a hero will one day come down
And know the solution to solve them

Or they just completely give up
"Knowing" no one can save them now
But you can always save yourself
You first just have to know how

I could sit here and write you a chapter
On how to set you free
But its different solutions for different people
And my solution works for me

So instead of taking advise
From your stupid lit computer screen
Why don't you take some action
And make your dream your reality
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this at the beginning of last year for an online poetry contests and just never did submit it.