They Must Be.

the audience sitting in
the movie theater of
my life is so loud,
they must be screaming.
they tell me, 'no, we're not,'
but they must be.

i cannot hear a thing,
and my woozy brain
cannot change the pictures
to right side up. you and i,
we will remain in the
screaming audience,
silent as always.

all i can feel is fear.
fear of what?
a fear of these beautiful
metaphors turning sour,
twisting and turning
to drive me insane?
these words are evil,
i swear.

laughing has become foreign
to me. something i cannot
do or remember how to.
those stupidly blue eyes.
they will haunt me until
i die. they are yours.

you will try to help, but no
one ever has or ever will.
just so you know, every wish
i wish, i wish it on you.