My Hamartia

Dear sweet reader
Do you wish to know my hamartia?
Better question
Do you know your hamartia?
Better question still
Do you know what a hamartia is?
Dear sweet reader
I'm not questioning your intelligence
I would never do such a thing
I am only asking
Because it is a new word
At least to me
Maybe to you as well
Dear sweet reader
Shall I tell you?
Tell you what a hamartia is
And of my hamartia
The answer is yes
A hamartia is a fatal flaw
Almost everyone has one
I do
You might
Do you have one?
Do you know what it is?
I have one
I know what it is
My hamartia, dear sweet reader,
Is that I fall in love to easy
And much to hard
So my dear sweet reader,
Care to share your hamartia?