
She says “You’re depressed”
I think: No Shit! I figured that out years ago!
S.I. at seven and a half?
Suicide attempts at 13, 14, 15?
Half a dozen times.
Hundreds of scars.
Only myself to lean on.

I am 16 now.
Mamí says “It’s not the age it’s the mileage.”
Well, Mamí is right.
Aren’t Mothers always?
Mine Isn’t But, you never know.
I really wish, I’d never found out what that fucking word ever meant!
It ruined my childhood (if you could call it that.)
2nd oldest outta six.
Then add the newest addition to our already big family.
New step-brother. It’s crazy.
There’s no escape.
People say Stones and Stick may break bones.
I reply Funny little drones, Words will kill you,

If they don’t, then you’re already dead.
You’re standing on edge,
Just jump! Take a chance,
But, Make sure you have a few trust worthy friends there to catch you
♠ ♠ ♠
more musings of mine.