
"Mama, I killed A man"
That rings through my head.
Boy's gather the bar,
Smiling and laughing.

No more had to come,
In this wretched place.
The smiles will fade,
As they heard about their friend.

He's Dead

Found in his bathroom,
Willingly to be let go.
A selfish thing to do,
If I might add.

The Boy's,
Will Soon disappear.
Their sun,
Has gone out.

"Put a gun against his head"

maybe Freddie was right,
He was just a poor boy.
Everybody loved him.

Why Do People have to be so selfish?

"Mama, I'm So sorry"
♠ ♠ ♠
Got this from the events last night, and the song Bohemian Rhapsody.

Bitch, Please Freddie Is Still alive