A Ode To My Nicknames

Ieva, Bugs, Cherry, and Whispy
Just to name a few
When someone calls me one I get all jittery
What exactly do they do?

They define me,
They're who I am
In some cases more than others
From the hovering Travvie to the awesome Maybe

They just tell me what to do
How to act, what to say, formal or not
But deep inside I know they mean something more then just to identify me with
Nicknames- my nicknames- mean levels of trust; friend or foe

Weather it's just a laugh or a gag,
I'll always be a fan
♠ ♠ ♠
Nicknames, to me are something that people earn. So the people that were with you at the time gets to share the memory. That's what makes then so important to me.