Lenny the Leprechaun

Once there was a silly leprechaun named Lenny
Who had a mad crush on the unicorn Jenny.
He told her he loved her,
But, Alas! She said there was another
And could never love a little man named Lenny.

So lenny sat on a stump and thunk
As he cried small golden tears and his heart sunk.
A rainbow shone down
And, alas! Melted Lenny's frown
As he rejoiced in the gift of the many gold lumps.

So he gathered up the gold, his beautiful bounty
And laughed with joy as he ran around the county
Now Lenny no longer forlorn,
Forgot all about the unicorn
And did become excessively naughty.

Now the unicorn heard of his newfound riches
And personally thought him too big for his britches.
She found him by the river
And started playing "gold digger"
And found that his heart was whole, it only needed golden stitches.

So with her magical horn she pierced him
And with her magical words she cursed him
She bound him to the rainbow
So whenever heaven's waters stopped their flow
Lenny would appear and spread luck to those around him.

This is where all us silly humans come in
And even though Lenny gifts us our luck (much to his great chagrin)
We still remain so foolish
Because we think we are oh-so-cool-ish
And don't believe in what we can't see or feel in.

And this is the really stupid part-ney
Because we don't have blind faith in the unicorn Jenny
So we believe in nothing
Secretly hoping to feel for something
When we don't even believe in a silly little Leprechaun named Lenny.