I Hate Me

When i look in the mirror i hate what i see,
I'm disgusted my the reflection staring back at me,
I never thought it would get this far,
I never thought it would be possible to hate so much.
I was wrong, very wrong
I've never stood in front of a mirror for so long.
I hate this huge thing that i see,
Then I realise, It's me, I hate me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to say, i believe that even though depression and self hatred can knock you down and most people think more than anything that it limits you and is bad purely because it controls most of us, but over the past few months i've come to realise that when you face your depression head on and you fight it with everything you have inside of you, it can really change your state of mind. I'm getting to the point where my low self esteem and hatred for my body has started to motivate me to change and i've been successful so far. Sounds so cheesy but if anyone ever can relate to my poem and feels like they're alone all they have to do is mail me and i will be there.