There Was a Man Named Loki

There was a man named Loki,
My friend thinks that he was quite smoky,
But he changed his name to Tom,
And my friend still thinks he's hot,
And that is the story of Loki,

Now Loki wasn't an ordinary guy,
To be honest he could be quite sly,
But my friend said that it wasn't his fault,
He was nice but then he came to a halt,
When he found out that love was a lie,

See his brother was chosen to be king,
And Loki had to live with this,
But to make it so much worse,
His father valued him little worth,
As Loki was a frost giant thing,

So Loki got very upset
And thought that it would be best,
For him to turn against his family,
Which made him their enemy,
Which Loki probably did regret,

Now the rest is a sad story,
As his fall from high glory,
Led Loki to be hanging on to Azgard,
After this he would never get past the Azgard guards,
Knowing what he'd done wrong he was deeply sorry,

Oh no, this was not good enough for Thor,
Loki was banished for forever more,
I told you that this was not exactly a happy ending,
And Loki's trust in love is still mending,
Loki's life was turned upside down after taking that last fall...x x
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Looking deeper into Loki (out of the avengers) and discovering what made him change...x x x