The Girl With the Pretty Blond Hair

When I was in fourth grade
There was a girl
Who moved down the street from me
With pretty blond hair
And pretty brown eyes
And she was sweet
And she was quiet
And I was not
But she didn’t care
And when we were in fifth grade
We met a girl
With curly brown hair
And pretty blue eyes
And she wasn’t sweet
And she was mean
And she was nasty
And we were not
But we didn’t care
And when we were in sixth grade
We thought that forever was a long time
And said that that would be the limit
And I didn’t know
And I didn’t care
And I wish I did
And when we were in ninth grade
That the girl with the pretty blond hair’s dad died
And I cared
And the girl with the curly brown hair didn’t
And she laughed
And she joked
And that’s not what the girl with the pretty blond hair wanted
And when we were in tenth grade
The girl with the curly brown hair didn’t care anymore
And she sneered
And she snarled
And she pushed
And she shoved
And I didn’t care
But the girl with the pretty blond hair did
And that was the year that the girl with the pretty blond hair
And now I’m in eleventh grade
And the girl with the curly brown hair is in my math class
And we’re getting ready for college
And we’re growing
And the girl with the pretty blond hair