What Happened, Big Sister?

What happened,big sister?
Where did all go wrong?
You left us all alone,
to go with your boyfriend
and I can't believe that after so long,
he won you over with pretty words and stupid love songs.

What happened,big sister?
We found you again.
You don't look happy,
you refuse to go back to us.
Is it something we did wrong?
Is it something I said?
Forgive me and please stay.

What happened,big sister?
Your belly looks big.
Are you feeling okay?
Do you feel sick?

Who is that,big sister?
Did you say my niece?
Is it that cute little baby
that irradiates peace?

What's that,big sister?
She looks just like me?
I bet she's as pretty as you,
that's the way it should be.

Why you leave again,big sister?
Why don't you stay?
And why did you say
you hate our mother
and that you'd change her for another?

You're pregnant again?
Don't you remember the deal?
"Finish school and no more pregnancy
and you can stay as long as you feel."

What happened,big sister?
Don't take them away from me,
they are my blood,my family.
They will grow up and I want to see.

Oh,big sister!
Why do you hate me?
I've been living in your shadow,
I've been living your dream.

Without you here,
it feels okay.
I know it would be worse
if you decided to stay.

Without you here,
I can be me,
I can be happy
and it's not make believe.

Tell your kids I love them
'cause you know I do
and I hope
They love me too.

What happened,big sister?
Don't you miss me so?
I do miss you
but I knew you had to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope her kids know that I do love them,even if her mother doesn't love me.
Thanks for reading.