Only A Smile

I canst count on my fingers all of the times
Hope has left on the wind through the chimes
Away it flies, it hath slipped away
And I've stood here downtrodden, cold for days
Why canst my heart heart have truth for once?
So quickly gone with 'hoppers' jumps
Love so close is always my downfall
When, once more, I've nothing left at all
How could I trust one with a soul of grey
When, deep down, I knew he'd condition'ly stay?
He tore out my heart when he only would smile
And hath not the strength to speak truth, while
I canst not handle my being's break
For his smile was all it had to take
Each fragment of me is nowhere to be found
Perhaps buried again, or maybe drowned
I weepeth for all that could've been
When I firmly felt hope to let him in
But no, once more my head hangs in shame
For I was believed a weak, little dame
I scorn him and spit the blood inside broken
I comes from sorrow and rage now awoken
He needeth not smile another day more
For I'll make the beam on his face ever so sore
Words will not fit even covered with grease
Convenience is one thing I shant stand for
Either open your eyes or I'll show you the door