Who do you think you are?

Who are you to say
That my clothes
make you do things
as if they were against your will?

Are you saying
That you are weak,
That you can't make decisions?
Come on then, Say it.
You can't think,
You have no mental or emotional
capabilities or resources to make decisions.

What? You do? You can make decisions? Chose your actions?
That's not what everyone else seems to be saying.
They say that I made you do it.
That it was my fault.
As if I was the one in charge of the situation,
As if I had the power to stop it.
If I had so much power,
Do you really think I wouldn't have stopped it if I could have?

So yeah you might want it
Just like you might want a candy bar.
But if it doesn't belong to you do you still take it?
Who are you to be upset,
If the owner of that candy bar gets upset that you took it.

Maybe they were being polite, but they really wanted it.
What if they were scared of you so they just let you have it.
Does that make it okay for you to take?
Are you unable to recognize emotions when people aren't fully consenting?
Sharing is caring, but so is respecting personal property.

Who says that my body
has no owner to claim it?
When I am living in it,
This is my home and it is holy.

I wonder if you feel guilty
Committing sexual acts on holy grounds, In churches, temples, burial grounds?
Unless it is an organized ceremony of sex
Run by the holy organization
My temple should not be violated.

I have rights as any person should
To be the keeper of my body
And no matter how nice my golden gates look to you
I am the one in charge of deciding who is allowed in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't been through anything personally, however after fighting with my dad over rape I wrote this poem.