The Kiss in the Rain

I long to tell you whats already been said but the rain has stopped, one sided romance feels dead. The bitter cold bite of reality engulfed me in a blanket of ice as dew freezes too over in a snow of prolonged fire. This time frozen in lavender will probably not be remembered because here you stand, solemn and true, refusing to say the words I...Love...You. Here and again you whisper to me, loved and happy, Ill never be. Let these tears feed your soul as I try and protect you; In friendship...I can't do this fully... This ritual is just so infected with my tears not pure like yours dear hush...shhh... sleep peacefully darling, I can't, no I cannot, all my wants are still in the pot. Bet my soul away if you must, but this love I only feel is weaker than crust. Our friendship now? Our friendship forever? Then why every time we speak I go back to 2 Septembers? Everytime I look at you magnificent, beautiful, alluring, STOP. I can't. never, don't ask, I'm a waste. Everytime I look in to those deep brown eyes, all I see is an angel's disguise. and through it all I hide this pain because even now, on this today's day that remains forever, before I go, before this thirst goes insane, remember my need to give you that kiss in the rain. For if we don't, and I die in vain, all of these tears of love will have stained their final scar. For wounds will heal with time, or at least they say. Every moment im without you though, it feels like I pay. To live this life, acceptance comes, fades away patented suns. Time is a funny thing. And if I had to give up my life in the merest, itd only to tell you "I love you dearest."
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A poem written on September 3rd 2012 about my two year love for a girl I couldn't let go of. I have now, but this poem is one I feel that is good.