A Guilty Pleasure

Your words, personified in the way they used to be. So sweet, and we greet. My hearts pounding out of my chest as its back! And my spirit no longer feels so black! I missed you, did you miss me? Did my memory give you any glee? Its funny because lately when thinking of you, my mind is jumbled, my thoughts askew. But, hey, its not a bad thing, no not at all. Even my brain admits Im starting to fall. To no end I beat myself down as I bring the giver a timid frown. Is it just our trust that creates this lust> Or perhaps those eyes that open to me with the first sunrise. I will never know, never find out. Good Principles and decision I speak nothing about. But no matter what words come push to shove again im seeing you as my angel above. And thats okay, is that okay with you? Is it okay that I love you? What about you dearest? How do you feel? Please tell me whether this bond I feel is real...
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A poem written on the concepts of when one recalls an ex girlfriend and feels really strongly about a relationship between the two working again.