To Bleed

Deliver me unto darkness
And bask in the beauty of loquatious minds
Hostile words are physically repremanding no longer

As my eyes fall upon him
Heeding his every whisper
This blissful world turns beneath me

Sinfully delicious are the fruits of enticement
Slick is the howling that preys
Only to submerse immorality I bathe in damnation

I envy your ungodly lust for life
The love that beseeches you
This earth will never savor the taste of your bones as I

Asylum to the incubus is the skin
Safe havens suffer to nuture impending rage
I find that light exsists only in the reaping of harbored souls

But how your hushed fires lead me to temptation
This muffled scream that aches within me
Drunk by vile, you extract this radiance

How these anxious hands desire to be your snare
To ruse all enduring breath for the chance you endeavor
And conceal the words you'll never speak

Break free the cage that bears your blackened heart
And scraped what's left of you
These hands become blinded by blood as well

But the merciless memories threaten our existence
I know now, bleeding bestows truth and virtue
These are my pounds of fares

Suffocate the hands that longed to drink
Drown them in this lonesome creation
The shadows that became your true silhouette

So precious you are
Bleed the words too thick to paint
Its in agony you shall find your release

Time walks ahead of us all
Love can afford to wait, yet I strip the earth of it's wonders
Searching for something invisible

Bound to an angel
I encounter serenity in darkness
Never grieve for a good thing as it leaves you

Secrets embedded are revealed by seeing hands
Slipping into a treasured dream
I fall from your hands.