No Breath

Mind clogged with unnecessary things. Planted only by a seed grows into a giant tree before me. I cannot handle it. My breath is gone. I want to scream but the words will not come out. I want to hold on to something but I just keep falling into a pit. I want someone to hold me and just let me cry in their arm, but nobody is there. I lock my door and crawl into bed. Wanting to close my eyes and hope the world goes away. This feeling. Nothing is wrong yet everything is. I want to close my eyes and it to be go, but that is impossible. I have no control anymore over anything. I just want to fly away into heaven. I want peace. My chest tightens and the tears come. I want to run and never stop running. I feel the world close around me and I crawl into a ball. "I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!" I scream but nobody hears me. Not even myself.