Oh, to Be a Tree!

Oh, to be a tree! A tree so tall; A tree in the breeze...
Majestic are the trees, so tall in the breeze, Oh to be a tree.
A tree in the forest...now that would be the life!
Fellow trees enjoying the breeze. We could all fellowship.
we would still be a forest! To be a tree...is for me.
A tree in the sand perhaps, on the beach no less...oceanview everyday!
To see the people come to play...tis rather hot today.
All the people come to me because I offer them shade.
Me! A tree at the beach. Oh to be a tree.
A tree in a boy's backyard. Now that is the life for me!
He can climb, swing on and kick me. He can run around me.
We would be best friends, the boy and me! Me...a tree!
Oh the friends a tree could make. Children understand.
Animals! Animals love me.
Even the birds of the air can nest, the squirrels love me as well.
the dogs can...well, you know...pee on a tree.
As a tree, I give and take, I support life, just as God supports me.
Even still, to be a tree, would just be...IS just like...


Oh to be a tree!