Eternal Dreamland

The moon never shined so bright until that night. Shining down on that grave, and a young girl finally being brave.

Her soul longed to see him once again, just on more time; that's all she needed. Oh how she missed him. He'd been gone for so long. A whole year since her only friend had died, and she was left alone in the world.

She just wanted to she hated the feeling of being alone.

That night she fell asleep in the graveyard under the stars. Not long after, rain began to fall from the sky and the temperature began to drop. Soon enough rain turned to snow. The stars disappeared from the sky.

The small girl had nothing more than a pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt. Any normal person would consider the weather way too cold for their liking; but it didn't do a thing to the small girl - not even cause her to wake up. Her hair soaking wet from the rain, clung to the sides of her well-rounded face.

Slowly the water began to freeze over her. Her lips began to turn a certain shade of blue, and the water in her hair turned to ice. The blood running through her veins slowed until it stopped completely. She died. Laying on her best friends grave.

They found her the next morning, put her picture in the paper. Though its not like anyone would care. She had no friends or family, no one to care that she was gone. That she had died in the cold, alone. No one to care that she was lost to an eternal dreamnland. Forever.

That was the night I died.