The Man That Needed a Chance (I Gave Him One)

Day breaks,
The man still stands.
Broken but filled with hope.
Filthy but smiling.
He holds a sign,
On that sign he asks for food,
Anything, it says.
Everybody passes him by,
Getting on with their lives.
They can't be bothered with a broken man.
How unkind.
The man still stands with hope,
Smiling, waiting for another chance.
So, we stop,
Knowing how he feels.
He just needs hope,
And a little food.
He needs to know he's not alone,
Needs to know people care.
I hand him a burger,
And he thanks me over and over.
I tell him no problem,
No problem at all,
As his eyes sparkle with newfound hope.
Now, when I think of that man,
I just hope that others stopped,
And just gave that man the chance he so rightfully deserves.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this happened. And yes, I did cry about it. I just hate how people passed him by. I mean come on, my family and I are poor people, but we stopped and gave him something..