
The stars are bright.
Especially tonight.
The moon glows.
How I love it so.


Moonlight, it is.
My adoration of it 'tis
But something of admiration.
And deep, deep contemplation.

Would the world be like the moonlight,
It would be full of good and right.
But alas, it is not!
It is full of dread and rot.

But the moon does not stir.
It's light like a gentle fur
Resting down from the heavens
Upon Earth, with layers of seven.

It watches, never judging.
Nor speaking or budging.
Watching, waiting,
Silently debating.

Down upon my face it shines,
Giving me words for my rythms.
Oh how I love the moonlight so!
With its gentle light, so much like snow.

The purest essence!
Sheer quintessence!
Should a life be like that,
It would do well to remain where it is at.

But now I go and go to sleep.
But my heart does not cry nor weep.
For the moon will not fade,
Everlasting in it's gentle parade.