Never Again

I wish I could say I didn't know but I did, I knew you were trouble and honestly I liked that
I liked the way you just didn't care
The way you flipped your hair
You enchanted me from the moment we met
And I was dead from the beginning there was never any backing out because that's just how you are the moment a girl meets you they can't back out you are trouble from the very beginning
Your beautiful, every inch
But your soul makes me itch, your heart is black doesn't take much to snap and spark the anger within
You charm
You smile
You kiss
You file
Because really that's all we are to you, another file in a cabinet of girls each folder containing another broken heart
Another story similar to the rest
He saved me
He loved me
He saw me
He is me
All saying similar things you have "done" for them
But truly they are all lies you have told to make us feel special all of the times you made us feel wanted but they were all lies and I refuse to be lied to again not by you never again
♠ ♠ ♠
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