Looking Back

Black charred matches burning ships covered in poison spilling from bottles and mouths. Clicks of misfits, worshiping martyrs of suicide and drugs, skinheads and socialists having their names bastardized by the mislead bigots staking claims against their own confused actions.
The un-understanding youths, screaming at our man made gods “fuck you for my freedom, fuck you for anarchy” never once understanding the words that they let escape their mouths. All while the milk heads and blood scarf’s screaming back “god damned faggots, freethinking ass fuckers” equally thick in their own ignorance.
Yes I am one of these free thinking faggots that come to molest your quote unquote close minded ideals. Yes I am a hypocrite and one that truly hates the fad he has fallen into, all under the guise of true freedom, absorbed by my ignorant young mind.
The bards of my age disgusted by our modern day Beethovens, being vomited out of a synthetic factory of false dreams and idolisms, and also equally having their throats fingered at the sounds of our supposed Dylans and Lennons screaming songs of hatred at our man made gods and there idealistic devils, both crafted in a ritual we built, claiming it to be a stone on true civilization.
Oh I am a hypocrite dear brothers, a young man whose dreams have over ran his heart and whose logic has been allowed to burn for the sense of individuality. Unbeknownst to me it has born out of a swastika hidden in the alphabet. Oh my friends I say George will forever be the only prophet whose predictions I will see come to fruition in my lifetime, and I pray and pry to whomever it may concern. I have welcomed my older brother in my house with his untrue promises of peace, and as have you with his of order.
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i wrote this a couple of years ago