
In the face of tragedy
You realize that the world does not
Come to a screeching halt
That no matter how much you want to
You cannot hide from the world
Because of a loss
There are still people out there
That depend on you
All the accusations
Are not going to bring him back
What's done is done
And no Facebook status
Twitter update
Blog posting
Youtube video
Is going to matter now
The quesitons are going to circle like vultures
Why now?
Why him?
And we may never get the answers we want
But life goes on
He wouldn't want us to stop
He wouldn't want us to remember him
The way he was
In his last hours
But in happy times
He would want our tears to turn into smiles
Afterall, he was our Sunshine
RIP Sonny 2000-2013
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Today, one of the horses at the barn suffered a catostrophic hoof injury and apon the vet's recommendation, he was put to sleep. This one's for him-RIP Sonny