I'll Name It West... For Where We Met

And that beautiful face is against me
Because I'm trying to do what's right
My own mind against me, I pull through the night
Fighting emotion and instinct and following what I should
Faced with more then one thing that could
Time, patience
It's what I tell myself I need
But what I want is so simple, yet so alusive to achieve.
I don't want to catch her, but make her feel that she caught me.
I guess she needs to think I'm worthy.
So I sit, and I ponder. I work, and create.
Biding time, between the hours in which I participate.
Its not like I'm ever really there.
But when I'm beside her, I actually care.
At the risk of sounding stupid, or sappy:
I guess I could say she makes me happy.
And the truth is that doesn't happen much.