My Sweet Precious Love

I actually cried this time
And the pain actually hurt
but you comforted me
like no one else did

Nobody else held my hand; they just wanted to hol me waist
Nobody else rather kiss my forhead; all they wanted was their tounge shoved down my throat
Nobody else called me just to talk and say I love you
Noboby else truley ever cared

You were gental when I hurt
and held me in a hug
told me to get better
because they dont like the look of pain on my face

Nobody else wispers "I love you" into my ear
Nobody else called me beautiful; exspecailly with out my make-up
Nobody else has seen me at home in sweat pants ans hair tied back

You are the one to take me on walks
stratch my back
cuddle with me
give me escomo kisses
or tickel me

oh, MY sweet precious love!
You are so not a nobody
you are my everybody
my everything; in this world of nothingness
the comfort and rest when i'm stressed
the love and hope when I want to give up

Oh, my sweet precious love
will you be my forever and
keep me safe and happy
and never let me fall
into another nobody?