Nothing is as it seems…

You may despise your boss for being the meanest being on earth; so insensitive, selfish and abusive;
But what you might not know is that he was broken and betrayed as a child;
It is not his fault he turned out that way; his heart is closed to feeling anything;

You may envy the Queen B in your school; she’s the teachers’ favorite; the one every guy wants to be with; the one every girl wants to become;
But one truth no one knows is that, she’s like a timed-bomb ready to explode;
Longing for the love of her parents who care more about accumulating wealth;
She’s all over the place because she’s looking for someone who’d love her for who she is; not for her body or for her social status;
She steps on others’ toes so she can feel good about herself;
She hates to be challenged so she can have a sense of security;
It’s not her fault; she hasn't no idea of what love is.

You may find it odd that your fiancé is so over-protective; so possessive, so demanding, so insecure; so obsessive, even;
So keen to know where you were, who you were with, who you've been talking to;
It may because he saw it happen to his father;
It started with his mum keeping late nights and then one day, she didn't come back;
He only fears that someone would take you away just like his mum;
It’s not his fault; he doesn't want his loved one being stolen away from him…again.

Everyone you see walking on the streets or cruising in his ride has issues;
A lot of them you may never know;
Many put on a façade to cover up their fears of the past and the insecurities of the future;
They are praying for someone like you to pay attention to them;
Some try by being mean, loud or being like a human leech;
God brings each person in your way for a purpose;
So pray about them and for them;
It’s no good hating, envying or shunning them;
Pray that God opens your eyes to see their need;
And open your heart to reach out to them.

Nothing is as it seems….