11:60 B.M.

Frozen in a rational stare...
Forever lost upon the breeze.
Everything is motionless.
I touch, I gasp...and anxiously sneeze.

The world is broken into passages.
A video paused in several places...
Teeming with life, but surrendering time,
With different expressions to lifeless faces.

Animals take effect the same,
But weightless to the stilling air.
Just for curiosity...
I caressed the softest skin of bear...

Grazed a wolf's daggered teeth...
And grabbed the lion's endless mane.
Groped the snowflakes chilled and resting,
And gazed upon a storming rain.

Stars spin clockwise in straight line paths,
And moonlight touches as high as I reach.
Water ripples circle in solid patterns...
And I am gripped, devoid of speech.