The Musician

Things with you have been so strange,
All because you're out of my range,
I love my man, I truly do,
Which is why I'll never follow these feelings through.

You make things so damn hard though.
And more about you, I'd love to know.
You're such a mystery, and just astoundingly intrigue me,
And I know there's so much more I still don't see.

Your love and passion is breath taking.
Your skill and talent is simply core-shaking.
The beautiful passion is what I see most,
Haunting me like a cruel relentless ghost...

Your hair is so fascinating, so rare.
Your humor is great, you silly bear.
You're the only man I've seen rock a beard.
Yet saying these thing is something to be feared...

I love my man, I honestly do.
He's amazing, and kind, and caring, too.
Our love and passion will last past time,
That's what's makes my thoughts such a crime.

This musician is just tempting me so much...
And I know it's no more than a silly crush.
Yet I still feel the urge to do things I shouldn't.
A terrible urge to do things with him I couldn't...

This is a horrible mess I've gotten into now!
And it's just these feelings that I can't allow.
What would my man think if he knew how I felt?
Why is it always this shit that I'm delt...

It's always when things are going so well,
And then on cue, as if Sata had a bell,
That bastard throws me his ripest apple,
And tries to lure me in to his burning chapel.

It's just he's so tempting, so grand...
And it's not that I'm saying that my man is bland.
And you know what, the musician isn't really for me,
Too much drinking and drugs you see...

But it's still so tempting that I could scream.
He's just my perfect bait, so it seems.
It's just not right I tell you...
But nevertheless, I will stay true.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you'd like to judge me, save your breath I don't give a rats ass.