Moonrise Kingdom.

Although the nights are long, we must part again once more;
Tides turn, the ocean dances, rumbling towards a distant shore.
Your influence among the waves instills a newfound hope within me;
For I alone am guileless, always wishing to be as that of a tree.

Admiring the quiescent strength, the solemnity in which they grow
To unimaginable heights, with your spirit there, wherever they may go.
Then your incendiary brother, his majesty, crosses the cerulean horizon,
And I, waiting for an ephemeral glimpse of you, watch the sea brighten.

I’m sheathed in the inescapable azure and rose-red realm of insomnia,
As your amorphous and ever-changing canvas projects that age-old aura;
As the creatures, among my brothers, they sing you their sweet songs,
From dawn to day to dusk, as the world spins madly on.

And with the dream that I shall meet you someday soon,
I must say farewell for now, to you, my incandescent and elusive Moon.