Imagine That

Imagine That
By: Anjalea Ciccio

I never had to use the door.
I pushed you through it (And out into cold reality).
And I wasn’t joking when I said that I didn’t regret us.
But just remember one thing:
I wouldn’t have pushed you away
If you didn’t have anywhere to go.

I love being “Just a pretty face”
As long as it fades from your memory.
Washing away—footprints on a beach
You’ve never been able to walk on.

We could go back and forth, reciting pathetic song lyrics.
You found everything that you could ever ask for.
And I do care, but I’m over it.

We could go back and forth, reciting pathetic song lyrics.
You really are the lowest type, thanks for mentioning it.
And I do care, really
But life goes on.

I thought that I would wake up after our “final” goodbye devastated.
It hurt for a moment; I won’t lie to you this time.
I couldn’t sleep, my mind was everywhere,
But I couldn’t organize my mind enough to care
That we would never talk again.

The day that I actually slept;
The day that I woke up exhausted;
I was over us.

We can go back and forth reciting pathetic song lyrics.
You found everything you could ever ask for.
And I do care, really, but I’m over it.
I never had to use the door.

We could go back and forth reciting pathetic song lyrics about how you can’t believe I would do you such wrong.
And how I wish that I could regret everything; want to hate and forget everything, but I’m so pathetic in trying to break your control over me.
I lied.
You’re the lowest type, not me; thanks for mentioning it.

We could go (You’re 5 years from 23, good luck.)
Back and forth (You’re just a pretty, pretty, pretty face.)
For hours (Sorry I was such a pretty, pretty, pretty big waste of your time. I tried.)
Reciting pathetic song lyrics (I’m over us.)
Imagine that.

I never realized that I had until it was gone.
I deserve your resentment towards
My Pretty, Beautiful, Gorgeous face.
(I do care, really.)
We could go back and forth reciting pathetic song lyrics, (I’m over you.)
But I’m going to grow up and move on instead.
Imagine that; I changed my clothes, my hair, my face, just so we could go our separate ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
I used Sleeping With Siren's "If You Can't Hang" in my lyrics. I do not own any content that belongs to THEM. However, this Poem and *these* Lyrics are mine. (: