Subtle Brown Freckles

Subtle Brown Freckles
By: Anjalea Ciccio

Short orange hair,
Blue eyes and a pale face
Lit up with the color of subtle brown freckles
Painted across your nose—airbrushed cheek to cheek.

You stand over me.
I can feel your soft breath
Against my forehead.
Your hands are warm.
Your embrace is tight.

Every time I look at you it makes me want to smile ear to ear.

I would say that I love you,
But I can’t, “Love” does not describe the way I feel about you.
I adore you.

I hear your smirk on the phone.
Late Sunday night conversations turn into quick texts on early Monday mornings.
You make me feel complete.
I admire you.

You are open; not so much honest.
You are straightforward with your emotions.
You push me to be the best—my best.
You inspire me.

You have wide hips and a proportioned waist.
You are always covered in a hoodie and black skinny jeans.
You are perfect.
You are my perfection.

You are modest and sweet.
You smile and my heart flutters.

When you cry,
I could shatter glass and split atoms with my rage.
I want to hurt for you. . .

You have short, orange hair that reminds me of a warm autumn day in September.
Your blue eyes light up the room, sparkling and vast—a sea of thought and wonder.

Your pale face is almost pearl-like, Ivory and lit up with subtle brown freckles that are painted across your nose and airbrushed cheek to cheek.

I would say that I love you,
But I can’t, “Love” does not describe the way that I think of you night and day.
“Love” does not describe the way that you make my cheeks flush rose.
Love does not describe my desperate need to be with you for the rest of my life.

You complete me.