
Do you know what you have done?
Do you know what you have caused?
You ruined everything.
You made my life a living hell,
And I can't stand you.

Do you know what I am now?
Do you know what you made me?
I can't stand the thought of people anymore.
I can't trust anyone,
And it's all because of you.

Do you know what's changed?
Do you even care anymore?
You've broken everything inside of me.
You've caused all of this to go to hell,
And do you even care?

Don't you notice what you did?
Don't you see how we all hate each other?

You made us turn against each other.
You picked fights,
You took sides.
You made us hate each other.

Everyday, you made it seem like you cared,
Everyday, you made everything worse.
You didn't want us to be friends.
You all just used me.

But then, why do I still care?
Why do I still look at you,
And still feel a pang of hurt
When you've moved on?
Why can't I let this go?

You pass by me like I never mattered,
And I guess I didn't,
But can't you at least not be so terrible about it?
Can you not just shun me like I did something wrong?
I didn't make this happen.
You did.
This isn't my fault, okay?