
Surrounded by water,
she gazes off into the distance,
waiting for his love,
she finds beauty in nature.

The pale grains
provide a surface for on comers.
Warmed by the sun,
it burns the feet of passerby’s.

Littering the sands,
an army of seashells,
once whole, now broken,
as her young heart,
enhance smiles and collections for young ones.

Up high in the air,
the bright yellow orb
brings joy to all around,
though unaffected herself.

Burning light radiates off the mirror
reflecting a mirage of greatness.
The restless waves crash against the rocks
softly sliding down the shore.

As the sun sets,
hues of orange and violet flow.
Still waiting for the moment,
she finds herself lost.

A ripple sounds
peaking ones interest.
Blond hair and olive skin
penetrates the surface.

Thin lips mouth the words,
she stands, fleeting to his arms.
Droplets fly, coating their bodies
The warm embrace seems true.
“He’s alive!” she cries.

Thundering clouds roll by
showering her with tears.
Looking up at what was once real,
the image dies along with her heart.