The First Love Poem in a While

Hold me close when the adults turn,
Help me in math, when I can't learn.
Poke my cheek and call me 'brat',
Catch me quick as my heart falls fast.

Whisper secrets with your eyes.
The smile that has me hypnotized.
Let me ruin your hair as we kiss.
You're the voice I always love;
And the one I always miss.

I love how you tickle me even when I say stop.
Laugher echoes here in my head,
Thinking of the sweet things you've said.

Poke my cheek and call me 'brat',
Catch me quick as my heart falls fast.

Take my hand, hold me tight.
I love the way you fix my hair when it falls in my eyes.

My heart please own;
don't just rent because I hope you know.
My love isn't a loan.
