How Did You Think Of That?

Apparently I lie.
I’m just in it because of my friends.
You know, because I do it all the time.
Well I’m being this drama to an end.

I’m sick of your untrue thoughts.
I tired of having people say ‘he likes you still’
You better watch out before you get caught.
I’ll find you believe me I will.

Watch what you say.
And who you say it to
I will find out some day.
And I’ll still come for you.

I can’t make up that kind of crap.
I have no idea how.
I can never find my way out of that trap.
I’ll tell the truth and I’ll tell it now.

You annoy me.
I’m tried of you.
What can’t you see?
What do I have to do?

I don’t lie to my best friend.
I don’t lie to the ones I love.
You’re jealousy isn’t going to bring us to an end.
I’m capable of anything you can think of.

I have feelings just like you.
I laugh and I cry
I do what I do.
And I do what I can just to get by.

Every thing was going fine.
Everything was going great.
And I’m going to get back what’s mine.
It’s me having fun that you can’t appreciate.

I want to live again.
With out all of the drama you create.
I want to be let off this chain.
All before it’s too late.

I don’t want to seek trouble
Or something I can’t handle.
I don’t want to stand on the rubble
Of something that was mishandled.

But you have to understand
Not everything is my fault
You’re not in my command
So bring you thoughts down to a halt.

But if you have something to say to me
Then say it to me now
Before it turns out more than what it was suppose to be
Unless you wanna get hurt some how

This is your final warning
I’m telling you don’t do it
If you want to see morning
Because I’m getting so sick of your shit