My Love Has Won My Battle

I liked to stand and face
The western wind
That tore gently at my tied hair
Until it flowed behind me like a river.
I liked to watch the setting sun
Sink slowly like a pirate ship
Filled with golden clouds.
But then they came.
They came in hordes, weak and
Powerless alone,
But Invincible in their army.
They had terrifying names:
Broken Heart, Death, Pain, Shame,
Blood and Cruelty and
Knife and Noose.
They advanced quickly,
Burning terrible scars into the pale landscape
And turning the sunsets to crimson blood.
But then I found my sword,
And my Love and I fought
For a thousand tiny moments
Until those evil demons retreated over the hills.
And now I like to stand and face
The western wind,
The breeze streaming through my hair,
The golden ship of my heart
Riding light in the rosy glow
And I lean upon my Love.