My mask

~My mask~

I stand in the mirror
And what do I see?
I see a broken girl
Who is gazing out at me.

I am not perfect
I never will be
I will never be the girl
Everyone wants me to be.

They see me laugh
They see me yell
But they don't know me
All that well.

They don't know about my mask
The one I wear everyday,
No one will ever know about it
Im scared of what they will say.

Im scared that they will judge me
Staring at my wrist
Maybe someone will help
If only... I wish.

I wish someone would understand
What I go through everyday
If only they knew everything
Then what would they say?

I look in the mirror
And I see the girl I hide
When she wants to break down
Ehh... She is fine.

Everyone has their problems
Some worse then mine
So I guess I don't have a right
To sit here and whine.

My dad is addicted
Doesn't give a shit
Only things he cares about
Is getting his next hit.

My mask is always smiling
Everything is so much clearer
The pathetic and weak girl
Is what I see in the mirror.