Goodbye My Friend, See You Soon

One day we can see each other again
I know this may not be another Cinderella story
But this can be like Peter Pan and Wendy

I can say see you again
I’ll never forget you
Because saying goodbye means leaving
And leaving means forgetting
I promise I will be back
And we can see each other again

But with these last words I say

“Goodbye my Lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me”

Also remember that Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
But remember the sun still shines,
Because I am the sun and you are the moon
That loves the sun
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for my friend, I'm leaving her for a while and we have a bond like Jack and Alex from All Time Low. We care about each other a lot. I'm sorry for the terrible author's notes.