Reborn in New Orleans

Marching towards our future
The quicksand absorbing our attempts
Each step falls deeper in the muck

Like a cat craving attention
Circumstance splitting our focus
Unwittingly lost in innocent thoughts

We consume our motivation
Our energy tripled
Yet still we stumble

The raven possesses our hope
Purple and gold to blot out the blossom?
We strive to renew

We look to a horizon
Yet the direction is still a mystery
We are blindly reaching

What is, what was, what will be
Our reality still in the clouds
Their choice will mold our next

Grasping at hesitant optimism
Trusting in the intrinsic balance of the Universe
Gasping for a breath of clarity

And still the Earth rotates
Day will tick away
We must climb to succeed
♠ ♠ ♠
My family and I are preparing for a life-changing event that is ultimately controlled by someone else. Either we buy the house and stay or lose the house and push towards New Orleans. But even that possibility isn't concrete. Our path has yet to be paved in any direction.